Thursday, October 31, 2019

Mitt Romney Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Mitt Romney - Essay Example Mitt Romney has good policies but people fail to feel his sentiments in issued that affect ordinary Americans. One of the ways this has come out is by Mitt Romney failing to sound so original in his campaign scripts. When people perceive a leader honest, then he passed the likability test. He presents himself as Obama’s direct contrast as opposed to addressing the immediate concerns of America. Therefore he should explain how to shall fix the American economy while at same time look easy and approachable to all Americans. Romney should just be easy with his personality. He should not seem to try too hard. He should just be passionate about what he believes. The best messages to use should be aimed at addressing the ailing economy. He should clearly demonstrate how the current administration has failed and offer brand new solutions to alleviate the suffering of jobless Americans. This should be done with America in mind not Obama in mind. The campaign message should inform American the demerits of failing to support him and also offer more firm and well worded responses to democrats’ election propaganda. The target audience should be all Americans. Messages should however be customized to different age, social and economic groups depending on the place and the time of the speeches. This is because different groups understand the same message differently. The audience should see the passion and the merit of the issues he addresses. It’s not enough to have sound economic policies for a Mitt to beat Obama. Charisma and ability to speak and move people is equally important. This is because Obama is a gifted orator who sounds convincing with ease. The difference shall be how the message is presented that the attitude that Americans can read from the tone used. The energy in the campaign trail and absolute confidence that people really need what you have got to offer is equally important. The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Solution to Ownership for the Condominium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Solution to Ownership for the Condominium - Essay Example One resident, a 68 year old woman named Lillian Williams was reported to have expressed her concern for the molds in the next door unit that already contaminated and ruined her personal belongings.The root cause for the problem could be pinpointed to change in ownership for the condominium. The report by Tracy dated April 11, 2011 revealed that buyers for units in the condominium were attracted to purchase under â€Å"a complicated reverse-mortgage deal backed by the federal government† (Tracy, par. 10). Further, it was stated that â€Å"the former owner of Catalina Isles, Angel Lage of South Florida, has said he has no responsibility for the place because he does not have a financial stake in it anymore. The complex is owned by a homeowners association that relies on maintenance fees and rent for income† (Tracy, par. 11). As there have been a number of units that were vacant, the homeowners association could not afford to regularly maintain the place.With the problems identified, the possible alternative course of action should be taken from the perspectives of the local agency that governs community housing problems, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and from the points of views of the residents of the condominium. Since the local inspectors at Orlando have verified the conditions of the units, those units that were found to have violated the codes for housing could be condemned and residents could be forced to be evicted.From the points of views of the residents.... Since the local inspectors at Orlando have verified the conditions of the units, those units that were found to have violated the codes for housing could be condemned and residents could be forced to be evicted. From the points of views of the residents, they can already opt to vacate the place, especially those beyond repair and seek a reverse mortgage program from the HUD. According to the official website of HUD, a reverse mortgage is â€Å"a special type of home loan that lets you convert a portion of the equity in your home into cash. The equity that built up over years of home mortgage payments can be paid to you† (par. 2). The advantage of this option is that the residents would not be subjected to hazards of living in that dire condition. The disadvantages, however, are the need to look for another place to live in, and the hustles of applying for the reverse mortgage with HUD. Further, the reverse mortgage option is only available to homeowners who are 62 years of age or older. Another option for the residents, especially of those units that are still repairable, they should shoulder the costs of maintenance and repair themselves. The advantage of this option is that they would not need for another residential place taking time, money and effort to do so. However, they should contend with the costs of repair and maintenance of the units they occupy. An Orlando tax payer expressed his views on the matter saying that â€Å"unfortunately, the real losers are the American taxpayers. Why doesn't Lillian Williams just fix and maintain her condo? When my roof leaks, I don't call the news, I just fix it. Where in the constitution does it say that I have to pay for Lillian Williams to fix her dang home? Why should I have to pay to fix

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Role of Media as a Tool of Learning: Agenda Setting Theory

Role of Media as a Tool of Learning: Agenda Setting Theory Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework Theoretical framework of the study is a structure that can hold or support a theory of research work. It presents the theory which explains why the problem under study exists. Thus, the Theoretical Framework is but a theory that serves as a basis for conducting research. Theoretical Framework of this study has been chosen on the basis of the considered judgment of the researcher. This research has analyzed within the framework of Agenda setting theory of communication and social learning theory. Agenda setting theory will help to analyze the role of newspapers in setting the agenda for policy makers and formatting public opinion. Secondly the researcher also selected social learning theory. This theory will also help to analyze the role of media as a tool of learning and as a social institution in improving the status of child rights in Pakistan. Media has the strong power to effect and hold people’s mind due to its diversity. Researcher have suggested and given several communication theories to describe the diversity of media. This chapter is related to the explanation of different function of media, through description of two communication theories, in the connection with this study. Agenda setting theory explains how the media sets its agenda and manipulate the things and phenomenon. Media also give the selection of coverage to the issues to grip people’s mind. Seeing in this context, if media give coverage to the solution of the issue, it can play a constructive role for society, for being the part of process of resolving the conflict. 3.1. Agenda Setting Theory â€Å" The press may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its reader what to think about† (B.Cohen1963). The concept of agenda setting was found in early 20th century. It was first discussed by Walter Lippmann in his book â€Å"Public Opinion† in 1922. Lippmann emphasized that the picture of reality created by news media were merely reflections of the actual reality and sometimes distorted. He said that the news media projection of world creates a pseudo environment and people react to this pseudo environment. McCombs and Donald Shaw defined agenda setting â€Å"in choosing and displaying news, editors, newsroom staff, and broadcasters play an important part in shaping practical reality. Readers learn not only about a given issue, but how much importance to attach to that issue from the amount of information in a news story and its position† (1972, p.176). Kurt and Gladys Engel Lang (1959) also wrote â€Å"The mass media force attention to certain issues. They build up public images of public figures. They are constantly presenting objects suggesting what individuals in mass media should think about, know about and have feeling about,† There are two assumptions underlie most research on agenda setting: The press and the media do not reflect reality; they filter and shape it. Media concentration on a few issues and subjects leads the public to perceive those issues as more important than other issues. 3.1.1. Functions of Agenda Setting The agenda setting functions has multiple components Media agenda are issues discussed in the media, such as newspaper, television and radio. Public agenda are issues discussed and personally relevant to members of the public. Policy agenda are issues that policy makers consider important, such as legislators. Corporate agenda are issues that big business and corporation consider important, including corporation. These four agendas are interrelated. The two basic assumption underlie most research on agenda setting are the press and the media do not reflect reality, they filter and shape it, and media concentration on a few issues and subjects leads the public to perceive those issues as more important than other issues. 3.1.2. Levels of Agenda Setting Media sets the agenda for the people about any particular issue in following steps or levels: The first level of agenda setting is most traditionally studied by researchers. In this level the media use objects or issues to influence the public. In this level the media suggest what the public should think about amount of coverage. In the second level agenda setting the media focus on characteristics of the objects or issues. In this level the media suggest how the people should think about the issue. 3.1.3. Usage Due to its effectiveness, the agenda setting theory has been used in political advertising, political campaigns and debates, business news and corporate reputation, business influence on federal policy, legal systems, and role of groups, audience control, public opinion, and public relations, the mass media has priming effects, in that the repeated exposure of audiences to ideas and information in the media triggers related ideas and feelings in their minds. The agenda setting theory directly relates to the present research because coverage of Minority issue had been analyzed and that particular coverage was under influence of the agenda setting function of the media. In 1960s Funkhouser Ray.G conducted a research to conduct a research to look at the relationship between media content and reality. To get the measure of public opinion he used Gallup polls and obtained measure of media content by counting the number of articals on each issue in three weekly magazine, Times, Newsweek and US News. Funkhouser (1960) conclded that, â€Å" the news media are believed by many people ( including many policy makers) to be reliable information sources but data presented here indicate that this is not necessary the case. The agenda setting theory is useful in explaining how the Pakistani Urdu and English print media sets its agenda to cover child rights and which issues are being highlighted in which direction with what context, and how they are being represented in Pakistani print media (Daily Dawn, The News, Jang and Nawa-i-waqt). 3.2. Social learning theory The social learning theory proposed byAlbert Bandurahas become perhaps the most influential theory of learning and development. While rooted in many of the basic concepts of traditional learning theory, Bandura believed that direct reinforcement could not account for all types of learning. His theory added a social element, arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people. Known as observational learning (or modeling), this type of learning can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors. 3.2.1. Basic Social Learning Concepts There are three core concepts at the heart of social learning theory. First is the idea that people can learn through observation. Next is the idea that internal mental states are an essential part of this process. Finally, this theory recognizes that just because something has been learned, it does not mean that it will result in a change in behavior. observational learning says people can learn through observation, In his famousBobo doll experiment, Bandura demonstrated that children learn and imitate behaviors they have observed in other people. The children in Bandura’s studies observed an adult acting violently toward a Bobo doll. When the children were later allowed to play in a room with the Bobo doll, they began to imitate the aggressive actions they had previously observed. Bandura identified three basic models of observational learning: A live model, which involves an actual individual demonstrating or acting out a behavior. A verbal instructional model, which involves descriptions and explanations of a behavior. A symbolic model, which involves real or fictional characters displaying behaviors in books, films, television programs, or online media. Intrinsic reinforcement Bandura explained that mental state is important to learn. He noted that external, environmental reinforcement was not the only factor to influence learning and behavior. He described intrinsic reinforcement as a form of internal reward, such as pride, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment. This emphasis on internal thoughts and cognitions helps connect learning theories to cognitive developmental theories. While many textbooks place social learning theory with behavioral theories, Bandura himself describes his approach as a social cognitive theory. Learning does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior while behaviorists believed that learning led to a permanent change in behavior, observational learning demonstrates that people can learn new information without demonstrating new behaviors. 3.2.2. Modeling process Not all observed behaviors are effectively learned. Factors involving both the model and the learner can play a role in whether social learning is successful. Certain requirements and steps must also be followed. The following steps are involved in the observational learning and modeling process: Attention in order to learn, you need to be paying attention. Anything that detracts your attention is going to have a negative effect on observational learning. If the model interesting or there is a novel aspect to the situation, you are far more likely to dedicate your full attention to learning. Retention the ability to store information is also an important part of the learning process. Retention can be affected by a number of factors, but the ability to pull up information later and act on it is vital to observational learning. Reproduction once you have paid attention to the model and retained the information, it is time to actually perform the behavior you observed. Further practice of the learned behavior leads to improvement and skill advancement. Motivation Finally, in order for observational learning to be successful, you have to be motivated to imitate the behavior that has been modeled. Reinforcement and punishment play an important role in motivation. While experiencing these motivators can be highly effective, so can observing other experience some type of reinforcement or punishment. For example, if you see another student rewarded with extra credit for being to class on time, you might start to show up a few minutes early each day. 3.2.3. Social learning theory and Mass communication Symbolic models are another type of model that we can learn from. These are non-live models such as those we see on television or read about in books. Other forms of symbolic models include verbal instruction as when an instructor describes for us the actions for driving a car. In this case the teacher’s verbal descriptions combined with demonstration, usually teaches us most of what we need to know. This is fortunate, for if we had to learn to drive exclusively from consequences of our own actions, few of would survive the driving process (Bandura 1962). As described by Bandura, there are four components of observational learning. To successfully imitate a model we must 1) attend to the model, 2) have some way of retaining what we have seen, 3) have the necessary motor skills to reproduce the behavior. If these conditions are met, we probably know how to imitate the model. Still, one may choose not to. Our actual performances are controlled by, 4) reinforcement contingencies, many of which are vicarious. These four components are not totally separate. Reinforcement processes, in particular, influence what we attend to. As Bandura noted â€Å"we often attend to powerful, competent, prestigious models because we have found that imitating them, rather than inferior models, leads to more positive consequences.† In today’s society mass meda play an important role to influence human behavior through symbolic communication. Social learning theorists have shown that behavior is influenced not only by personal or live models but also by those presented in the mass media. Television and film models, in particular, seem to exert a powerful impact, and one major implication is that television is shaping humans motivation and behavior on a daily basis. Social learning theorists have been especially concerned with televised violence and use of alcohol and its effect on children. Research has shown that, in fact, it can increase children’s aggressiveness and tendency to consume alcohol within their lifetime. Although these findings are complex, it does raise concerns about how much television our youth attends to and what exactly is the content of the programs that they are viewing, including advertisements. An exposure study of Anheuser-Busch’s 1995 frog campaign on children 9 to 11 years of age found that 95% of the children recognized Tony the Tiger while 81% recognized the beer frogs. Overall, 73% of the sample remembered the slogan â€Å"Bud-weis-er† and 81% knew the frogs sold beer. Boys were more likely than girls to remember the product. More children recalled the Budweiser slogan than the slogans for commercials and characters shown during children’s programs (Alcohol Policy Network). What gives significance to vicarious influence is that observers can acquire lasting attitudes, emotional reactions, and behavioral proclivities toward persons, places or things that have been associated with modeled emotional experiences. They learn to fear the things that frightened models, to dislike what repulsed them and to like what gratified them (Bandura, 1986). At times, television often represents social realities in human nature, social relations, and day to day life of human interactions. The potential danger of heavy consumption of television is the exposure to this symbolic world may make the televised images appear to the authentic state of human affairs. This outcome can be detrimental to those individuals that have no other models that they can observe. In the absence of a parent, guardian or peer that is able to explain reality from fiction, the child may be more inclined to attend and reproduce the modeled behavior seen on television. The fashion and taste industries rely heavily on the social prompting power of modeling. Because the potency of vicarious influences can be enhanced by showing modeled acts bringing rewards, vicarious outcomes figure prominently in advertising campaigns. Thus, drinking a certain brand of wine or using a particular shampoo wins the loving admiration of beautiful people, enhances job performance, masculinizes self-conception, and actualizes individualism (Bandura 2002). Bandura and other researchers have concluded that the mass media not only creates personal attributes but also can alter pre-existing ones based on exposure. Exposure plays a large role in the process of social learning theory. Another important aspect of social learning theory in relation to mass media is the flow of information through social networks. As noted before, the exposure that one experiences through Television is often a contributing factor toward behavior, but even humans that do not watch television or listen to radio are affected by the mass media. People are intertwined in networks of relationships that include co-workers, friendships, classmates, teammates, intimate relationships and family members. Because these social networks often overlap, people are often directed by the media to designate what is important to discuss and what the current public agenda may be during a given time period. Therefore, the individual that does not watch television is often involved in social interaction that is based on communication with television viewers and other media consumers. This communication can lead to the same behavior being displayed by the consumer as well as the non-consumer. This abstract modeling that youth can reproduce through observation can provide us valuable information and direction while educating our youth. Bandura’s work should do a good deal to increase our awareness of the importance of models in child-rearing and education. Although most parents and teachers are already somewhat aware of the fact that they teach by example, they probably have also overlooked how important influential modeling can become. A case in point is physical punishment; many parents attempt to prevent their children from fighting by spanking them when they fight. By spanking, the parents are inadvertently providing a good demonstration of how to control others physically. Similarly, social learning theorists have taught us that whenever we find that we are unable to rid a child of some distressing bit of behavior, we might ask whether we have been inadvertently modeling the behavior ourselves (Schunk, 1996). Social learning theory has generated much research. Evidence shows that social learning theory and one’s sense of self efficacy predicts such diverse outcomes as alcohol abuse, smoking cessation, pain tolerance, athletic performance, career choices, assertiveness, coping with feared events, recovery from medical procedures and sales performance. Media is a tool of learning and a social institution. In today’s society media play an important role for opinion formation. In this study researcher will analyze that how symbolic learning influence the behaviors of people towards child rights. Does content published in print media played any important role to improve the status of child in Pakistan? Did Government take serious notice of news based on violations of child rights published in newspaper?.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Connection of European Trials Essays -- Witch Witches Hunting Essays

Connection of European Trials The witch hunting trials that took place in Early Modern Period occurred across the expanse of Europe, including in its believers groups of people ranging from kings and popes to peasants and servants. Some historians argue that the witch trials of the Early Modern Period where not connected; that the trials where not related to each other and are not part of one large witch-hunt. Other historians argue that the witch hunting trials are related to each other by there similar characteristics. The Early-Modern witch trails where both related and separate entities that where born with the help of elite and common people’s belief in Catholic as well as Protestant locations including Geneva, Trier, Scotland, England, Bamberg, and Runchain. One thing that both the Catholics and the Protestants did have in common was the belief that the Bible was the word of God. Partly because of this belief both Protestant and Catholics participated in the practice of witch hunting. John Calvin began the Calvinist movement that began in Geneva Switzerland. Calvin lived from AD 1509-1564 during the Early Modern Period. During the Protestant Reformation Calvin wrote about witches stating, â€Å"And Paul, after he has warned us that our struggle is not with flesh and blood, but with the princes of the air, with the powers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness [Eph. 6:12].†1 This passage that Calvin took from the Bible helps to illustrate the feelings of the new Protestant church toward witches and witchcraft. The passage also shows that the Protestant church, like the Catholics, believe that witches are a threat and that something must be done to dispose of their demonic and wicked presence. The demonic ... ...ty of Pennsylvania Press, 1972. â€Å"The Confessions of the Chelmsford Witches of England.† In Witchcraft in Europe 1100- 1700, edited by Alan Kors and Edward Peters. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972. â€Å"The Persecution in Scotland.† In Witchcraft in Europe 1100-1700, edited by Alan Kors and Edward Peters. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972. â€Å"The Persecutions at Bamberg.† In Witchcraft in Europe 1100-1700, edited by Alan Kors and Edward Peters. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972. â€Å"The Persecutions at Trier.† In Witchcraft in Europe 1100-1700, edited by Alan Kors and Edward Peters. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972. â€Å"The Trial of Suzanne Gaudry.† In Witchcraft in Europe 1100-1700, edited by Alan Kors and Edward Peters. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Environmental Influences Essay

A global plastic manufacturer, Riordan Manufacturing is on top among others in the field of plastic injection molding, with annual projected earnings of $46 millions. As an industry leader, Riordan have a labor force of 550 employees and have state-of-the art design capabilities that create innovative plastic designs which won an international acclaim. With its present capabilities, Riordan remains a strong and vibrant company in the industry. Riordan’s plan to open up new business in other country is not new as Riordan manufacturing has one in China. India is another country that has a strong potential for business to thrive. However, the company needs to consider pertinent ethics issues that are highly valued in that country. Of Course, India is a country with very sensitive culture especially in matter of religion. Which you identify the three most pertinent ethics issues faced by Riordan Manufacturing in conducting business in your selected country The most pertinent ethics issues Riordan manufacturing must take into considerations in putting up business in India should be the following; discrimination, sensitivity to local customs and tradition, and sensitivity to the economic condition of the society. While Riordan’s primary interest is to gain profits, they certainly need a strong workforce to facilitate its operation. However, Riordan manufacturing must address the ethics issues of discrimination confronting the employee-employer relationship in relation to employment. The ethics issues involve in hiring employees lies on how the management treats their employees, which according to Crane and Matten (2007) can serve as a moral hazard to employees. The situation of the Indian economy is potential breeding ground for discrimination as the government allows the hiring of employees on contractual basis. Davenport, Crotty, and Torres cited that Indian Law â€Å"starts from the common law premise that an employer has a right to terminate the services of an employee without giving a reason. Riordan Manufacturing can easily fall into temptation to exploit this law to serve its own interest at the expense of the contractual employees. Although it might be allowed by law, terminating employees merely on the ground of fixed contact terms allows the company to select the kind of employees they desired. This is discrimination because in effect, they are ejecting employees they do not like in favor of others whom they desired. Crane and Matten stated that discrimination in essence â€Å"is a violation of Rawl’s Theory of Justice, that social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are attached to the offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity† (p. 273). The next ethics issues faced by Riordan Manufacturing in conducting business in India are the sensitivity to local customs and tradition. India is known for its religious culture of regarding life as sacred whether human or animal life. Indeed, for Hindus, cows are sacred. Failure to respect local customs and tradition proved to be disastrous. This is clearly seen in the case of Disneyland in Paris whose initial failure was blamed for Disney’s lack of sufficient awareness of the local cultures. Riordan Manufacturing therefore must be aware of India’s local customs and traditions in order not to repeat the same mistake that caused Disney Company hundreds of millions of dollars in losses during the initial years of Disneyland in Paris. Since the company’s products are plastic beverage containers, it assumes no direct connection to what the Hindus regarded as sacred, however, Riordan manufacturing must be able to draw a clear concept reflecting the company’s fair dealing and high regard for ethical issues. Finally, Riordan Manufacturing must be able to demonstrate sensitivity to economic condition of the community. The company must contribute to the local government’s effort of community development by first of all providing employment opportunities to local residents, paying required taxes and other required fees to the local government, and avoid any express transactions via under the table arrangements. Riordan Marketing should also able to recognize its role not only as profit oriented company, but also a business organization responsible to both its shareholders stakeholders. That is, the company must care for the environmental and cultural impact of its business operation. How do these ethics issues impact Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing efforts Negatively, the lesson that was learned by Disney Company during the initial years of its operation in Paris is the answer how these ethics issues can impact Riordan manufacturing’s marketing efforts. Failure to consider these ethics issues will certainly lead to serious losses as it will affect the domestic market’s behavior in view of indifferent patronage of Riordan’s product. As Chryssides and Kaler (1993) pointed out, Riordan Marketing must recognize that business â€Å"is not just a matter of economic exchange of money, commodities, and profits; it involves human interactions, is basic to human society, and is intertwined with the political, social, legal, and cultural life of society (p. 37). Riordan Marketing’s failure to settle the ethics issues as cited above could seriously damage the marketing of the product and might even come to worse if a campaign to boycott the product will be spearheaded by any radical organization. India, being second most populous nation on earth and is a fast industrializing economy can be a huge market for Riordan Marketing promising a potential profits for the company. Positively however, the ethics issues discussed above can provide Riordan a positive image and insure domestic patronage if those ethics issues are observed by the company. The ethics issues properly addressed can reduce the negative impact of marketing, and it will also enhance the consumer well-being. Vilcox and Mohan (2007) aptly stated that ethics issues can â€Å"increase its positive impact by providing consumers with goods and services that can enhance their overall quality of life† (p. 50). The impact therefore of those ethics issues can be achieved by the company through creating a positive company image based on cultural awareness, respect and incorporating the customs and tradition to the company’s business strategy. If Riordan Manufacturing also wanted to consider marketing to a broader region that included your selected country (e. g. , Europe, Asia), what impact would this have on their marketing strategy? The impact Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing to a broader region is dependent of the company’s overall image. Based on the company’s history and current business performances, Riordan Manufacturing enjoys a very highly organized and well secure business transaction. They have no bad previous records in terms of their internal operation. The company’s human resource has an excellent policy with regard to employee-employer relationships and in terms of benefits the company provides its employees. The company’s ethical reputation of the company will certainly have good impact on their regional marketing strategy. Indeed, Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy is ethical marketing. In a paper entitled â€Å"PR Campaign: Final Paper† of the University of Phoenix Public Relation dated 2007, the paper stated that Riordan Manufacturing is focused on creating an organization that recognize the individual employee’s importance to the company. According to the paper, the Riordan Manufacturing is bent on creating a socially responsible company to the community which is the stakeholder in this case. Furthermore, the company is doing its best to inform the public that although their products may not always be environmentally friendly, they are completely conscious of the public concerns (PR Campaign). Thus, even if Riordan Marketing will consider marketing to a broader region that includes India, it will not have negative impact on their marketing strategy especially in India because they have not violated any cultural issues or the local customs and tradition of the host country. Rather, addressing ethics issues such as those discussed above will always yield potential gains for the company. Considering that Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy is it self ethical marketing, it means they are on the right track as ethics deals with what is good for the majority. The impact of these ethics issues is that it will enhance the company’s public relations that will surely have an immense impact on Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy. The point therefore is clear, Riordan Manufacturing’s success in creating a company that is highly anchored on ethical principles and values will help them determine its course of success both in the broader region and in a particular country like India. In the meantime, Riordan Manufacturing is on its way of transforming itself towards a company that cares on every spheres of their operation ethically. They are a company that acknowledges responsibility on all their stakeholders beginning from their own employees, the organization, the community, and the country where it operates. Reference List Crane, A. & Matten, D. (2007) Business Ethics USA: University Press Chryssides, G. D. & Kaler, J. H. (1993) An Introduction to Business Ethics UK: Cengage Learning EMEA Davenport, G. , Crotty, M. , Torres, P. (2000) Termination of Employment Digest Switzerland: I LO Pr Campaign: Final Paper January 29, 2007 http://www. oppapers. com/essays/Pr-Campaign-Final-Paper/119681 Vilcox, M. W. & Mohan, T. (2007) Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Understanding Marketing Objectives Questions

Marketing objectives must be based around the corporate objectives. 3. In Chapter 1 the concept of SMART objectives was introduced. Give six examples of SMART marketing objectives. (6 marks) Increase market share by 10% within 2 years Achieve sales revenue of E 10 million within 2 years. Introduce 5 new products by 2016. Increase consumer awareness of the business by in 2016. Improve overall added value on product X by E per unit this year. Increase repeat sales to 60% within 3 years. 4. What problem might arise if a firm's marketing department ignored its corporate objectives? (4 marks)A problem that may arise if a firms marketing department ignored its corporate objectives is that a lack of coordination within the business is likely. This is because the marketing department's targets may not be clear to the other departments and when they are achieved, they may serve no use to the rest of the business as they will not correspond to the corporate objectives. 5. Analyses two reasons why a printing company would set marketing objectives. (6 marks) Two reasons why a printing company would set marketing objectives is because it allows the printing company to measure their success.This can be done by comparing their targeted figure to their actual figure. Also, a printing company would set marketing objectives to motivate employees of the marketing department. These employees can then be rewarded for their ability to achieve their targets by financial or non-financial rewards. 6. Identify and explain three internal factors that might influence a fashion retailers marketing objectives. An internal factor that might influence fashion retailers marketing objectives could be the corporate objectives. This is because the marketing objectives would aim to help achieve the corporate objectives.Due to this, the corporate objectives will influence on the targets that the marketing department can make. For example, if the corporate objectives were to raise the quality of the ir product, then the marketing department could not have the objective of lowering costs as tit would be inconsistent with the corporate objectives. Another internal factor that might influence a fashion retailers marketing objectives could be the staff available. This is because the marketing objectives will not be able to be met unless the staffs have the capability to achieve them.For example, if the marketing objectives were to improve their products quality, the staff available may not have the necessary training or skills In order to actually achieve this objective. Finally, the last internal factor that might influence a fashion retailer's marketing objectives could be the departments finances. This is because the marketing department will be limited to the objectives that they can make based on whether they can actually afford to achieve their objective. If they do not have the necessary finances to achieve their objective then the objective was not SMART as it wasn't realis tic. . Identify and explain three external factors that might influence a fashion retailer's marketing objectives. An external factor that might influence a fashion retailer's marketing objectives might be the needs or wants Of the consumers. This is because, especially with fashion, the wants of the consumer are always changing. Therefore, the department must always be dynamic with their decisions to make sure that they meet these needs and wants of the consumers. When setting objectives, the marketing department must also be dynamic with their sections.This is because when consumer wants change, the marketing objectives will be influenced. For example, if the wants of the consumer change to lower quality and lower priced clothing, then if the marketing department had the objective of raising quality, then they would have a reduction in demand as the demand is moving elsewhere in an always changing market. Another external factor that might influence a fashion retailers marketing o bjectives could be changes in the economy. This is because the economy will decide on how much money people have to spend.If people have less to Penn then the customer numbers for a fashion retailer would fall because expensive fashion is not necessarily a need. Finally, the last External factor that might influence a fashion retailer's marketing objectives could be the actions of competitors. This is because their actions will have an impact on a company's sales and customers. As fashion is a very competitive market, the actions of more competitors are likely to have a larger impact on sales and customers. [f the fashion retailer's objectives are based around these, they can be heavily influenced by competition.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Cask Of Amontillado

Lucky Sickness Guiding Question: What if Fortunato hadn’t been sick? Montresor’s plan would not have gone as smooth as it did. â€Å"It must be understood that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will†(96). Without Fortunato being sick, it would have been a lot harder for Montresor to convey his good intentions. He noticed right away that Fortunato was sick and suggested they not proceed. â€Å"The vaults are insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre†(97), said Montresor. He knew that Fortunato was a wine connoisseur and would not turn down an Amontillado. Montresor even went as far as saying, â€Å"we will go back; your health is precious. You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was†(97). He truly won over the trust of Fortunato. Not only suggesting they not go down to the vaults, but turning around as well. Someone who says, â€Å"the cough is a mere nothing: it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough†(97), is not weak. Fortunato is a fighter, maybe not with his fists, but mentally. A mentally strong person would not sit there and let someone chain them up. But chaining up Fortunato was done with ease. He didn’t fight back, â€Å"he was too much astounded to resist†(99), Montresor thought to himself. In most cases, shock causes people to freeze. Being sick and drunk does not help your reaction time either. Fortunato showed he was truly feeling weak, when Montresor â€Å"again [offered Fortunato] his arm. He leaned upon it heavily†(98). Almost as if he was using Montresor as a crutch. It’s safe to say Fortunato would not have been so willing to enter the vaults, if it weren’t for the compassion of Montresor. He also would have put up more of a fight if it were not for his condition. Montresor got lucky, and his plan went a lot smoother than expected.... Free Essays on Cask Of Amontillado Free Essays on Cask Of Amontillado Lucky Sickness Guiding Question: What if Fortunato hadn’t been sick? Montresor’s plan would not have gone as smooth as it did. â€Å"It must be understood that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will†(96). Without Fortunato being sick, it would have been a lot harder for Montresor to convey his good intentions. He noticed right away that Fortunato was sick and suggested they not proceed. â€Å"The vaults are insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre†(97), said Montresor. He knew that Fortunato was a wine connoisseur and would not turn down an Amontillado. Montresor even went as far as saying, â€Å"we will go back; your health is precious. You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was†(97). He truly won over the trust of Fortunato. Not only suggesting they not go down to the vaults, but turning around as well. Someone who says, â€Å"the cough is a mere nothing: it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough†(97), is not weak. Fortunato is a fighter, maybe not with his fists, but mentally. A mentally strong person would not sit there and let someone chain them up. But chaining up Fortunato was done with ease. He didn’t fight back, â€Å"he was too much astounded to resist†(99), Montresor thought to himself. In most cases, shock causes people to freeze. Being sick and drunk does not help your reaction time either. Fortunato showed he was truly feeling weak, when Montresor â€Å"again [offered Fortunato] his arm. He leaned upon it heavily†(98). Almost as if he was using Montresor as a crutch. It’s safe to say Fortunato would not have been so willing to enter the vaults, if it weren’t for the compassion of Montresor. He also would have put up more of a fight if it were not for his condition. Montresor got lucky, and his plan went a lot smoother than expected.... Free Essays on Cask Of Amontillado THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO The overall theme of Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† is revenge. It involves a contrasting relationship between the satisfaction of the avenger and the victim’s pursuit of love. Poe ties these feelings together by constantly using irony throughout the story. We will see how revenge is the force behind Montresor’s motive, we will discover how love leads Fortunado to his death, we will determine the growth of Montresor’s satisfaction, and we will learn how Poe uses irony to piece them together. The force that drives Montresor to commit the horrible murder of Fortunado is his powerful desire for revenge. The opening lines of the story, Montresor says, â€Å"The thousand injuries of Fortunado I had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.† The idea of revenge is brought up several times in the opening paragraph. Montresor says, â€Å"I must not only punish, but punish with impunity.† It is obvious to the reader that Montresor vowed revenge. Poe isolates the act of revenge throughout the story by not revealing the motive behind Montresor’s crime. To accomplish his revenge, Montresor leads Fortunado down into the catacombs in search of Amontillado. Fortunado prides himself on being a connoisseur of wine. When achieving his revenge, Montresor uses Fortunado’s love for wine against him. â€Å"Is it further on?† Fortunado asks. His love for wine generates motivation. What he does not know is that this motive of love will pursue him to his death. The reader begins to see how Fortunado’s love will trigger Montresor’s satisfaction. Montresor receives a great deal of satisfaction as they descend down into the catacombs. As Fortunado’s pursuit of the Amontillado continues, Montresor’s satisfaction grows stronger. Montresor toasts, â€Å"And I to your long life.† Montresor seems to be in good spirits, as he jokes to himself. The satisfaction increases an... Free Essays on Cask Of Amontillado In Pace Requiescat (Rest in Peace) Edgar Allan Poe creates a mood of horror in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† through the setting, the main character, and the internal conflict he faces. Taking place in the catacombs beneath Montresor’s residence the reader is given an image of death; fraught with his decision to punish Fortunato for the various insults that have tarnished his family name, Montresor is torn between his need for revenge and the pending guilt that haunts him the remainder of his days. Poe illustrates a horrendous setting filled with ironic symbolism to convey his tale of ultimate revenge. First, Edgar Allan Poe utilizes the setting to create an image of dread for the reader. Beginning â€Å"one evening during the supreme madness of the carnival season† Poe quickly moves the reader under ground to the catacombs beneath Montresor’s home. The carnival can be all but forgotten as Robert Louis Stevenson points out, â€Å"†¦ the whole spirit of â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† depends on Fortunato’s carnival costume of cap and bells and motley† (Stevenson). Poe utilizes the carnival two fold as it not only sets Fortunato at a location which he will surely indulge beyond his capacity making him easily deceived by Montresor as well as providing rationale for Fortunato to be dressed as a jester complete with bells. The jingling of the bells demonstrates the constant belittling Montresor perceives from Fortunato which feeds his need for retribution. The story continues down to the dark recesses of Montresor’s catacombs that serve both as his family’s crypt and wine cellar. Poe illustrates a dark cavern with damp stone walls, covered with nitre, that are barely illuminated by lanterns. Upon reaching Montresor’s destination, Fortunato’s final resting place, Poe gives the reader the last clue as to the dread about to take place, â€Å"in depth about four feet, in width three, in height six or seven†. The main room ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Aether Definition in Alchemy and Science

Aether Definition in Alchemy and Science There are two related science definitions for the term aether, as well as other non-scientific meanings. (1) Aether was the fifth element in alchemical chemistry  and early physics. It was the name given to the material that was believed to fill the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere. The belief in aether as an element was held by medieval alchemists, Greeks, Buddhists, Hindus, the Japanese, and the Tibetan Bon. Ancient Babylonians believed the fifth element to be the sky. The fifth element in the Chinese Wu-Xing was metal rather than aether.(2) Aether was also considered the medium that carried light waves in space by 18th and 19th Century scientists. Luminiferous ether was proposed in order to explain the capacity of light to propagate through apparently empty space. The Michelson-Morley experiment (MMX) led scientists to realize there was no aether and that light was self-propagating. Michelson-Morley Experiment and Aether The MMX experiment was performed at what is now Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio in 1887 by Albert A. Michelson and Edward Morley. The experiment used an interferometer to compare the speed of light in perpendicular directions. The point of the experiment was to determine the relative motion of matter through the aether wind or luminiferous aether. It was believed light required a medium in order to move, similar to the way sound waves require a medium (e.g., water or air) to propagate. Since it was known light could travel in a vacuum, it was believed the vacuum must be filled with a substance called aether. Since the Earth would revolve around the Sun through the aether, there would be a relative motion between the Earth and the aether (the aether wind). Thus, the speed of light would be affected by whether the light was moving in the direction of the Earths orbit or perpendicular to it. The negative results were published in the same year and followed up with exp eriments of increased sensitivity. The MMX experiment led to the development of the theory of special relativity, which does not rely on any aether for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation. The Michelson-Morley experiment is considered to be the most famous failed experiment. (3) The word aether or ether may be used to describe apparently empty space. In Homeric Greek, the word aether refers to the clear sky or pure air. It was believed to be the pure essence breathed by gods, while man required air to breathe. In the modern usage, aether simply refers to invisible space (e.g., I lost my email to the aether.) Alternate Spellings: Æther, ether, luminous aether, luminiferous aether, aether wind, light-bearing ether Commonly Confused With: Aether is not the same thing as the chemical substance, ether, which is the name given to a class of compounds containing an ether group. An ether group consists of an oxygen atom connected to two aryl groups or alkyl groups. Aether Symbol in Alchemy Unlike many alchemical elements, aether does not have a commonly accepted symbol. Most often, it was represented by a simple circle.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Buddhist Temple Visit

Buddhism is religion that is based off of peace and spirituality taught by the teachings of Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gotama. Many who follow its teachings believe Buddhism to be more of a way of life or lifestyle choice rather a religion. Buddha is not a god, but one man that taught his followers a path of enlightenment from his experiences and values. Buddha’s main teachings were the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. The Four Noble Truths were teachings about suffering, pain, disease, happiness, loneliness, and aging.It explained why we as humans can overcome certain obstacles in our lives by looking at the more spiritual side of things such as â€Å"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. † (Dalai Lama). The Eightfold Path is the teachings of being moral, being aware of our actions and thoughts, developing compassion for others, and most importantly gaining wisdom from the understanding of The Four Noble Truths. I visited the Vietnamese Buddhist Center in Sugar Land this past Sunday and it was a sight to behold.The center was surrounded by a green metal fencing with some sort of crest or emblem that looked similar to an steering wheel on an old ship. Driving into the center, the main road was split then split into two smaller roads. The road to the left led to a parking lot, while the road to the right led to a smaller parking lot surrounded by small buildings that seem to be places of worship. The scenery that over hung the roads were statues of lion heads, beautiful trees and flowers in all sorts of colors.The main statue however was a huge tall Buddha in the middle of large pond filled with Koi Fish. There was a small tiled area that visitors could take pictures of the statue in its amazing and beautiful nature. The aura of the place was one of peace and tranquility. The small tiled visitor area was then extended by an overhanging wooden bridge leading to a large tiled courtyard with small trees that was around the perimeter. In the middle of the courtyard was two rows of small trees that were placed vertical to the steps of a large temple, which was the main place of worship.Behind the main temple was another small courtyard was two smaller buildings for worship to the left and the right of the courtyard. Another large building was to the back which looked fairly newly built. It seemed to be a place of serving food that contained no meat but some sort of meat substitute that was not artificially made from what the servers were telling me. Then to the right of that building was a small warehouse that looked to house desks and whiteboards for the weekly Vietnamese classes that are being held there.Outside of the warehouse was a basketball goal for the students that would come for Sunday school, and a small parking lot for more visitors. As I took off my shoes before entering the main temple before the first worship session began, I began to feel a sense of peace within myself as well those that were atten ding the worship session. Inside the main temple was a huge statue of Buddha surrounded with white silhouettes of the Lotus flower, which seems to be the symbol of peace. Tens of incense jars filled with sand litter the alter the room.The room smelled like incense, pleasant and peaceful. There were twenty rows of small cushions that were used for kneeling and sitting, and twenty rows of small raised shelves that were used for holding the prayers that were going to be recited during that session. People were filling the room really quickly, and seats were being taken fast. The elders were given their seats first, and if an elder came a tad late, someone would give them their spot and moved to the side of the room. Everyone was dressed somewhat casually. Most of the older occupants were wearing work clothes like the men wearing slacks and a nice fitted collared shirt, while the women would wear either a dress or slacks and nice top or blouse. The younger occupants, ones of my age or younger, would just be wearing casual school clothes like jeans and a tee shirt. In such a religious place, I have not yet witnessed a young female wearing short-shorts or any revealing outfit for that matter. The room was filled with a mild chatter of Vietnamese and English.Most conversations that I could comprehend were mostly of those catching up with each other and wondering how each other was doing and such. The younger occupants would be talking about the latest craze in music or movies. It suddenly got quiet as there was three loud bangs from striking of the gong to commence the prayers. The head monk for that prayer came out from one of the side doors in a traditional orange robe holding a microphone in his right hand, and prayer sheets in his left. He thanked us all for coming today and briefly explained he prayer we were going to be reciting. The prayer was for those that had lost a loved one, and for them not to be sad as their loved ones have found peace and tranquility as the moved on into the steps of enlightenment and eventually reincarnation. He then turned to the giant Buddha towards the front of the room and began reciting as everyone joined in and recited along. Everyone was on their knees having their hands together as they recited the prayer either from memory or from the pieces of paper that had three pages of prayers in Vietnamese.I could not read the prayers so I just silently glanced at them and tried to make sense of where we were in the prayers. Then one of the monks hit the small drum which everyone bowed for a few short seconds then returned to their original positions. Then a few moments later the drum was struck again, everyone bowed, but now stood up instead of returning to their knees. Then again, the small drum was struck, everyone bowed then returned to being on their knees. The prayer was now being recited faster as a drum was being struck with a beat in quick succession.This was repeated three times and when the prayers were being done recited, the head monk told those that have lost a loved one to follow him into the incense room. I followed about four families into that room. The room had pictures of everyone that had passed away that was a member of the temple. Families that were in that room had a special prayer and ceremony to honor their loved one. The monk said that one member of the family shall come up to the alter, drink a sacred tea and pour a small cup in honor of their loved one.A drum was struck as everyone started to recite a prayer. During the reciting, another monk came and tapped the four members that represented their families with some sort of sacred text. Then the prayer stopped as the four members went to the front, poured their tea, drank it, and poured it for their deceased loved one. Before everyone excited the room, every person was given three incense to pray and let their deceased loved ones know of their prayers today.They would bow three times, pause to pray, went up to the alter, placed their incense into the jar, returned to their spot, and lastly bow three times once more. That was my experience in a Buddhist Temple, the peace and tranquility of the people, and the monks was quite wholesome. Being a young adult, I never really understood the importance of religion and culture, but after visiting a place like this†¦ It really opened my eyes to how a religion can bring peace and everlasting faith within a person.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Love brief a case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Love brief a case - Essay Example The duo purchased recording equipment and recorded conversations with officials with a view to proving harassment and spoke of filing a law suit. It was the constant encounters with the authorities that ultimately gave way to a plan to kill certain officials. After Green informed the detective of his suspicions, he agreed to wear recording equipment in conversations with the appellant. Thereafter, Green turned over a recorded conversation he had with the appellant in which the plans were discussed. The threat was deemed serious and the FBI were brought in. Thereafter the appellant and his girlfriend were under surveillance. Identified victims were informed and some relocated out of fear. Subsequent conversations between Green and the appellant were recorded and the appellant and his girlfriend began purchasing equipment and making plans in furtherance of the plan. As the appellant and his girlfriend at a store purchasing the last of the equipment they were arrested. The appellant gav e his consent to a search of his home and shop in which equipment for making a bomb was discovered. Other equipment was discovered at the appellant’s shop. Although the appellant’s Miranda rights were read to him, he waived the right to remain silent and offered various explanations for the equipment found in his possession. Legal Issues: The appellant raised several issues on appeal. The evidential grounds related to a complaint that the was not enough evidence to convict him on the RICO charge. The appellant also argued that prior bad acts were improperly admitted into evidence and that allowing victim impact evidence deprived him of his right to a fair trial. Legal Reasoning: The Supreme Court of Ohio reasoned that victim impact evidence was properly admitted by the trial judge because it demonstrated the seriousness of the offences. The court also reasoned that the appellant’s claim of insufficient evidence on the RICO count was without

Evaluation of Sources Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluation of Sources - Assignment Example 1. My research topic is biodiesel. This publication helps to broaden the scope of the topic by providing relevant information regarding alternative sources of biodiesel and also more benefits of this product. 2. Being an affiliate to the state government of Texas, the office is mandated to provide reliable and accurate report to the public. This therefore means that the report and the information contained are credible. 1. This report has borrowed information from various expert areas. These include the U.S Department of Energy, the Office of Scientific and Technical information, U.S. Department of Transportation – alternative fuel regulations and Environment Protection Agency. This makes the report accurate and reliable for the study. 3. The main purpose of this report is to explain in details all the facts concerning the history and the production of biodiesel in Texas. The motivation for this report is the fact that Texas is the leading state in the production of biodiesel in America. 1. This post is related to my topic, biodiesel in that to explore more about biodiesel and its use, I will require to learn more about the variety of blends of biodiesel available. This will help in giving a relevant argument. 2. It will help me explore the amount of carbon emission from each of these blends. With this information, it will be possible to explore in depth the efficiency of biodiesel in reducing air pollution. The information contained in this post gives the details of each blend of biodiesel and the amount of pure biodiesel in each. For example, B20 is explained as consisting of 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum oil. 3. This will help in calculation of the amount of carbon that B20 will emit. Since some of this information is not contained in this post, this source will help us to identify what more information we need to cover the topic. 1.

Wheelchair. Design, Materials and Manufacture Essay

Wheelchair. Design, Materials and Manufacture - Essay Example This equipment is so economical and its operational features are so simple. They are commonly used in nursing homes for evacuating patients from one location to the other. The facilities provided in a wheel chair is in view to care patient and the seats are with large fleets. The design of a wheel chair is in such a way to make it move either by the patient himself or by any supporter by pushing. This provides independence and self sufficiency among disabled persons. Moreover the wheelchair has a remarkable role in the transportation process of disabled persons. Today there are different varieties of wheel chairs and the consumer can choose the apt one according to his convenience and requirements. In order to meet the various requirements of the disabled persons the wheelchairs can be classified as follows. They are manual wheelchairs, light weight wheelchairs, ultra light weight wheelchairs, standard wheelchairs, recliner wheelchairs, sport wheelchairs, heavy duty wheelchairs, tilt wheelchairs and wheelchairs run by artificial power. With respect to their function and facilities the current varieties are far forward than the past ones. Introduction of superfine materials and high class seat cushion technologies in the current varieties of wheelchairs have created remarkable variations from the older ones. Product designing process Comparing to past years experience the process of designing different variety of convenient wheel chairs has taken remarkable improvement. Among these varieties there are wheelchairs which can be operated to climb on stairs and barriers with out any difficulty. A wheelchair having adjustable seat dimension are highly welcomed by the users allover the world. Hence it is high time to think about manufacturing wheelchairs having skilled caring facilities with respect to various environmental conditions. But nowadays people prefer light weight wheelchairs which have advanced adjustments and facilities. Moreover they have started choosing pleasing varieties to have beautiful look. Lighter chairs are highly reliable and provide maximum mobility to the concerned disabled person. Since these wheelchairs are the life long equipments to be used by them it will be better to design varieties which can meet their maximum requirements under highly functional and reliable conditions. To cope up the se requirements the wheelchairs can be designed with respect to environmental friendly techniques so that maximum advantages regarding convenience can be attained. The suitable and easy way to implement this technique is to choose environmental friendly material for manufacturing the wheelchairs. The traditional wheel chairs are often with fixed and large wheel bases. If the seats are to be adjusted according to requirements they can be fixed on proper rail rods with the help of small wheels or any adjustable mechanisms. Another adjustable part of the wheel chair is its seat's frame. One of the side frames can be fixed on to the driving side wheel and the other part of the frame can be fixed to the guide wheel. This mechanical device enables the wheelchair frame to adjust

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Role of Business Ethics in Staff Motivation and Productivity Essay

Role of Business Ethics in Staff Motivation and Productivity - Essay Example It is of pragmatic that literature on business ethics provide adequate and specific information on the needs of leaders and managers as they are mainly responsible for ethics management in the work environment (Schwartz and Weber 2006). Ethics programs in organisations generally aim to integrate ethical guidelines into processes and procedures and establish the necessary values and behaviours for operations within the organisation. Business ethics in the workplace establishes and fosters a moral course particularly during unstable times (Kapstein 2004). Paying attention to ethics when an organisation is faced with changes allows managers and employees to have a moral guide for them to realise what is good or bad. This becomes specially critical in coping with conflicts, facing risks, and responding to ambiguous circumstances (Schwartz 2001). Continual support for ethics in the workplace enables leaders and members to become sensitive to how they ought to think and behave. Due to the emphasis on ethical principles in the conduct of activities and procedures, business ethics has been shown to produce favourable outcomes for the organisation. These include increased level of employee commitment, motivation, productivity, and performance (Ferrell 2004). Hence, the current study aims to examine the impact of business ethics in UK organisations especially on employees’ sense of productivity and motivation. 1.2 Background of the Organisation Wolseley UK, also formerly known as Wolseley Centers, is widely known as one of United Kingdom’s largest suppliers of building materials, with plumbing and building firms as their common trade customers, accounting for the largest share of their sales. It has been reported to distribute a substantial amount of materials to the international market and has continued to expand to 25 countries (Wolseley Annual Report 2009). Wolseley UK has set a number of policies with which the company aims to further enhance each of t heir business aspects. Quality policy remains to be an important objective through a reliable quality environment for both suppliers and customers, particularly by successfully meeting all contractual requirements. Health and safety concerns regarding their employees, customers, and the larger community have also become a top priority for Wolseley UK as the company intends to foster a healthy workplace wherein their employees’ attain a sense of well-being and comfort while their customers are assured of accident-free operations. Moreover, the company’s policies also highlight the importance of environmental care. Regarding their human resources, Wolseley UK aims to make the best use of every employee’s potential regardless of demographics, cultural, social, or economic differences, and attempts to provide opportunities for training and development. Finally, the company relies on a code of ethics that emphasizes the significance of fair competition, risk manageme nt, environmental protection, and interpersonal relationships with employees and customers (Wolseley 2010). 1.3 Research Aims and Objectives Owing to previous studies that have pointed out the favourable impact of business ethics on organisations, the current stud

Wk5 (31) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wk5 (31) - Essay Example Ethno centricity means that one observes a culture from the point of view of the culture and not necessarily from the point of view of one’s own culture. Lack of Cultural sensitivity can lead to stereotyping. The instance of this or the example of this is the point where people engage in stereotyping without sensitivity. Usually, we see Hollywood movies engage in stereotyping without cultural sensitivity and this often result in caricatures of the people being stereotyped. The stereotyping is more prevalent in popular culture and depictions of public images by generalizing the cultural and racial characteristics to include all members of the group. The skills that I would use include the usage of culture specific jargon and words to describe the culture in non stereotypical fashion. This can be done by an increased awareness of the culture of the others and by an effort and attempt to know the culture of the other without compromising on the factual element. The necessary pre-requisites for such skills would ensure that I can foster cultural sensitivity without engaging in stereotyping. The dimensions that Iveys identifies within the three organizing principles are perception of the self, aculturlization and style of personality. These are the organizing principles around which the concept of the verbal and non-verbal discrepancies is built. Each of the dimensions is important and a good point of study from the view point of observation and interviewing the subjects. The most important behavior to observe is that of the perception of the self as this is often a gateway into the future of the self as compared to the other dimensions that merely touch upon the fringes. The perception of the self is an important starting point for further analysis into the causes of what makes the people behave in a certain way. The specific examples for each kind of dimension are the ways in which the behaviors are influenced by the dimensions. The information

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wheelchair. Design, Materials and Manufacture Essay

Wheelchair. Design, Materials and Manufacture - Essay Example This equipment is so economical and its operational features are so simple. They are commonly used in nursing homes for evacuating patients from one location to the other. The facilities provided in a wheel chair is in view to care patient and the seats are with large fleets. The design of a wheel chair is in such a way to make it move either by the patient himself or by any supporter by pushing. This provides independence and self sufficiency among disabled persons. Moreover the wheelchair has a remarkable role in the transportation process of disabled persons. Today there are different varieties of wheel chairs and the consumer can choose the apt one according to his convenience and requirements. In order to meet the various requirements of the disabled persons the wheelchairs can be classified as follows. They are manual wheelchairs, light weight wheelchairs, ultra light weight wheelchairs, standard wheelchairs, recliner wheelchairs, sport wheelchairs, heavy duty wheelchairs, tilt wheelchairs and wheelchairs run by artificial power. With respect to their function and facilities the current varieties are far forward than the past ones. Introduction of superfine materials and high class seat cushion technologies in the current varieties of wheelchairs have created remarkable variations from the older ones. Product designing process Comparing to past years experience the process of designing different variety of convenient wheel chairs has taken remarkable improvement. Among these varieties there are wheelchairs which can be operated to climb on stairs and barriers with out any difficulty. A wheelchair having adjustable seat dimension are highly welcomed by the users allover the world. Hence it is high time to think about manufacturing wheelchairs having skilled caring facilities with respect to various environmental conditions. But nowadays people prefer light weight wheelchairs which have advanced adjustments and facilities. Moreover they have started choosing pleasing varieties to have beautiful look. Lighter chairs are highly reliable and provide maximum mobility to the concerned disabled person. Since these wheelchairs are the life long equipments to be used by them it will be better to design varieties which can meet their maximum requirements under highly functional and reliable conditions. To cope up the se requirements the wheelchairs can be designed with respect to environmental friendly techniques so that maximum advantages regarding convenience can be attained. The suitable and easy way to implement this technique is to choose environmental friendly material for manufacturing the wheelchairs. The traditional wheel chairs are often with fixed and large wheel bases. If the seats are to be adjusted according to requirements they can be fixed on proper rail rods with the help of small wheels or any adjustable mechanisms. Another adjustable part of the wheel chair is its seat's frame. One of the side frames can be fixed on to the driving side wheel and the other part of the frame can be fixed to the guide wheel. This mechanical device enables the wheelchair frame to adjust

Wk5 (31) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wk5 (31) - Essay Example Ethno centricity means that one observes a culture from the point of view of the culture and not necessarily from the point of view of one’s own culture. Lack of Cultural sensitivity can lead to stereotyping. The instance of this or the example of this is the point where people engage in stereotyping without sensitivity. Usually, we see Hollywood movies engage in stereotyping without cultural sensitivity and this often result in caricatures of the people being stereotyped. The stereotyping is more prevalent in popular culture and depictions of public images by generalizing the cultural and racial characteristics to include all members of the group. The skills that I would use include the usage of culture specific jargon and words to describe the culture in non stereotypical fashion. This can be done by an increased awareness of the culture of the others and by an effort and attempt to know the culture of the other without compromising on the factual element. The necessary pre-requisites for such skills would ensure that I can foster cultural sensitivity without engaging in stereotyping. The dimensions that Iveys identifies within the three organizing principles are perception of the self, aculturlization and style of personality. These are the organizing principles around which the concept of the verbal and non-verbal discrepancies is built. Each of the dimensions is important and a good point of study from the view point of observation and interviewing the subjects. The most important behavior to observe is that of the perception of the self as this is often a gateway into the future of the self as compared to the other dimensions that merely touch upon the fringes. The perception of the self is an important starting point for further analysis into the causes of what makes the people behave in a certain way. The specific examples for each kind of dimension are the ways in which the behaviors are influenced by the dimensions. The information

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Example of Argumentative Essay Essay Example for Free

Example of Argumentative Essay Essay History shows reiteratively throughout the recorded times that the mark set for students will be predominately that which they aim for and mostly stop therein. If students are not shown any higher level of knowledge the students should at no time be expected to aim for that which they did not perceive. Students will indeed float to the mark you set. History has shown us many valuable illustrations; one of them would be the vast comparison between students during the Ottoman empire and students in the reign of the Spartan empire, the Spartans were taught that knowledge is crucial, if it helps you to fight, whilst the Ottomans were taught that knowledge was imperative if it was beneficial in any way. Because Spartan pupils were finite to knowledge that did not pertain to warfare, they were infinitesimally limited in any other area, and to no degree were able to match the heights of knowledge of the Ottoman student body, the mark for these learners had been set considerably inferior than that for the under-graduates of the Ottoman empire, and so the students attained the mark that was set and were prescribed no reason to surpass it. Therefore it is clear to recognize that the objective a teacher sets for their pupil is all that their pupil will ever feel the demand to accomplish. Students are comparable to a kayak in the sea trying to reach an island to anchor on, and the teacher is the equivalent of the current, the stronger they push to try to reach and help the students, the closer they get to the island. Because students are reliant on their instructors to provide them with an objective to grasp, the supervisors specified a mark, and the students float to the mark that was decided. Therefore the students need only fulfill that which their instructor has itemized for them, and that would be the mark that was stipulated. Since pupils will only feel the need to do what was required in distinction to them, they will inevitably isolate themselves to the mark that was set before them.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Common Law and Equity Essay

Common Law and Equity Essay Common law originally developed under the inquisitorial system in England during the 12th and 13th centuries,[11] as the collective judicial decisions that were based in tradition, custom and precedent Equity is designed from the English law system and its role as a common law, as the common law was created and analysed the basis of equity was brought up and is now used in the royal courts, the story of Equity brings us back to the days of 1066 when William the Conqueror invaded England, he found that there was no single system of common law but rather a system where the local courts based rulings of traditional courts, such as Shires, Boroughs and Hundreds, and applied local rules and customs to the cases. These were openly known as the customary laws which later on became the foundations for the common law. William I using subtle tactics gained control of the country and then introduced the feudal system, where all land belonged to the King and where he would grant areas of land to those people who supported him and were willing to help him. He made himself available to any landlord who had a dispute or problem and who could not get redress from his lord. This idea of applying directly to the King became known as the â€Å"Kings Justice† and became available to everyone. This Kings Justice was administered by the â€Å"Curia Regis† (Kings Court), which was a body of advisers to the King. The Curia Regis would apply a system of rules which applied to whole country thus it became known as the ‘common law which applied in a series of Royal Courts which were erected as time came to pass. At first people recognised that this law was indeed fair and with it being common to England was just. However, later problems were found with this law; two in specific: The fact that there were only one remedy available, damages soon became a problem. Damage being money ordered to be paid as compensation for injury or loss. It soon became a common issue that remedy was not always the appropriate form of remedy and this would have no significant concluding impact within cases. The other major issue was that a civil action, legal action to protect a private civil right or to compel a civil remedy, could only be started with a writ. A writ was a document on which was written why and what the legal basis the person was being sued. Circumstances arose that when a problem was not covered by the writ, this meant making a new document every time one arose, however this was stopped in the 13th century. This meant if your case was already not under a writ it was not carried forward. People found themselves very frustrated under this common law, where they found they may have had to settle for remedies they did not want or their case was sometimes found not even actually taken to the courts as it was not under the ‘writ. As the public became dissatisfied with the system they began to petition to the King, as the â€Å"foundation of justice† for a remedy. The King took note of the petition, which resulted in the case being taken up by the Chancellor when people found that the ‘common law would not help them with their cases. Asif Laher Gradually, over the years he built up a large body of principles, which he had gathered from cases which he had dealt with in which he decided what he thought was fair. These principles together then formed a law; ‘Equity. Equity can be simply thought of as ‘fairness and was a very powerful source of law as it overcame any problems with the common law, because of the right justification it was thought to give. It gave people a ‘safety valve allowing them to seek different appropriate remedies and even actually be given a case when common law did not. However, the law of equity would have been useless to this day if the dispute between the two would have not been resolved. Because of the conflict, a decision to resolve the two was finally made in 1616 when it was referred to King James. The dispute between the two systems was eventually resolved as a result of the Earl of Oxfords Case 1616; the outcome of this case was that if the two were to be in conflict and may contradict each other â€Å"equity would prevail.† The outcome was important as equity would have been worthless as it could not fill in the gaps of the common law unless it was dominant. Common law could just override equity if common law is more important, equity would have been powerless. After many years had gone by the judicature act 1873-1875 came into place. Before this common law and equity had separate courts. The judicature acts did not fuse the common law together, however, did fuse the administration. This is significant due to the established court structure we have today, provided that equity and common law could only be administrated by all courts and that there would no longer be different procedures for seeking common law and equitable remedies. In conclusion they were joined into one High Court, they are still separate laws which have different principles, common law being the major law, and equity brought into cases when needed. Because of the fact that they have different principles and were not fused together when the administration were, they are referred to as ‘The Twin Pillars

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sim City Forever :: essays research papers

Amongst the shelves that are packed with the latest computer software, sits a genre of games, that does not get the recognition that it deserves. Simulation games. These games do not give the player level after level of mind-boggling graphics, blood and gore, or even the feeling of accomplishment. Their one purpose is to give the control to the player, that they would normally not get in their everyday lives. By definition a simulation game is a game where the player must take on a role that is different than his or her everyday life. Within the genre, the software leader is clearly Maxis. Maxis virtually created the realm of simulation gaming. With the release of Sim City, Maxis changed the lives of game players everywhere. The purpose of Sim City was to give control to the player, of a modern city. At the beginning of the game, the player is given three vital options. First, the player must decide what time period he/she wants the games to take place in. The times consist of 1900, 1950, or 2000. No matter where you have started, the game ends at the same point. Second, they must choose a size for their city. The city's size is defined by the amount of squares of building space available. They are then categorized as small, medium, and large. Finally, the player must decide on a name. The name of the city is the one thing that they do not offer choices for. It is completely your choice. The game has already put the player where they want to be, in control. After the startup screen, the player views a blank area k nown as your city's 'Terrain.'; That is where the fun begins. The player's next duty is to start building. Essentially what is happening is that the player is assuming the role of a god-like figure. They are given the control to make decisions such as, laying railroad tracks, placing hospitals, police stations, fire stations, zoning, laying water pipes, placing roads, and perhaps the most important setting taxes. Who would not like to have control of their own little world where they had this much power? After all of the major building decisions have been decided, the player presses the start button and watches the city grow. While playing the game, the player must continue to expand the city, by adding more of the buildings and utilities that they added before the games started.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Macbeth Was Not Totally Responsible For The Evil Unleashed In Scotland :: essays research papers

Macbeth Was Not Totally Responsible For the Evil Unleashed In Scotland Macbeth, although largely responsible, was not totally responsible for the torrent of evil which was unleashed in Scotland after after Duncan's death. Both Lady Macbeth and the supernatural powers must accept at last some of the responsibility for the evil deeds unleashed during Macbeth reign. They both forced Macbeth to be proactive in chasing the crown at a time when he was of the opinion that " If chance may have me king why chance may crown me." The play began with the forces of evil stirring Macbeths ambitions nature by declaring that he " shall b king thereafter." They then said of thou be none." Banquo noted how Macbeth looked fearful and he must have realised the witches put into words what Macbeth had been thinking. The supernatural forces not only got Macbeth thinking about how he could become king but also laid the foundations for his feelings of insecurity that would lead to his subsequent murder of Banquo. The major external influence pushing Macbeth to kill Duncan was Lady Macbeth. She knew her husband was " too full o' the milk of human kindness" to take the initiative and she resolved to push him into murdering Duncan Macbeth was so upset after killing Duncan he stated " I'll go no more, I am afraid to think what I have done". Lady Macbeth then accepted the responsibility of taking the daggers and smearing the grooms with blood. She had goaded Macbeth into killing Duncan and she stopped him from falling apart with remorse after having done the deed. Macbeths reign as king was one of fear and insecurity that others would take the crown from him. Of Banquo he said " their is none but he whose being I do fear". Macbeth was obviously thinking back to the prophesies of the witches and he

Friday, October 11, 2019

Essay Writing

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a quantitative success: IIM study There are some good tidings for the Union Human Resource Development Ministry from its flagship enterprise, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), to universalise elementary education. A study conducted by the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A), has found that the SSA has met with considerable success quantitatively if not qualitatively.While quality remains an area of concern, the SSA has been able to bridge the enrolment, retention and achievement gaps between the sexes and among social groups. According to the IIM-A study titled `Shiksha Sangam: Innovations under the SSA,' the out-of-school population had come down from 28. 5 per cent of the six-to-14 year age group in 2001 to 6. 94 per cent by the end of 2005. Dropout rates at the primary level stands at about 12 per cent and 190 of the 400 districts were showing a declining trend in 2005-2006.The SSA has been able to bring Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes ( SC/STs) — weak points in earlier efforts to universalise elementary education — into the educational mainstream. Greater share The share of SC/ST children at the primary level in 2004-2005 was actually greater than their respective proportion of the population: 20. 73 per cent in the case of SCs against a population share of 16. 2 per cent and 10. 69 per cent against a population share of 8. per cent. The gender gap in enrolment now stands at 4. 2 percentage points at the primary level and 8. 8 percentage points at the upper primary level. In 2005-2006, there were only 22 districts (of the 400 for which data was available) where the gender gap was more than 10 percentage points at the primary level. However, the success rate on this count in the upper primary level is not so good as 82 districts have reported a gap of more than 15 percentage points. Essay Writing Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a quantitative success: IIM study There are some good tidings for the Union Human Resource Development Ministry from its flagship enterprise, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), to universalise elementary education. A study conducted by the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A), has found that the SSA has met with considerable success quantitatively if not qualitatively.While quality remains an area of concern, the SSA has been able to bridge the enrolment, retention and achievement gaps between the sexes and among social groups. According to the IIM-A study titled `Shiksha Sangam: Innovations under the SSA,' the out-of-school population had come down from 28. 5 per cent of the six-to-14 year age group in 2001 to 6. 94 per cent by the end of 2005. Dropout rates at the primary level stands at about 12 per cent and 190 of the 400 districts were showing a declining trend in 2005-2006.The SSA has been able to bring Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes ( SC/STs) — weak points in earlier efforts to universalise elementary education — into the educational mainstream. Greater share The share of SC/ST children at the primary level in 2004-2005 was actually greater than their respective proportion of the population: 20. 73 per cent in the case of SCs against a population share of 16. 2 per cent and 10. 69 per cent against a population share of 8. per cent. The gender gap in enrolment now stands at 4. 2 percentage points at the primary level and 8. 8 percentage points at the upper primary level. In 2005-2006, there were only 22 districts (of the 400 for which data was available) where the gender gap was more than 10 percentage points at the primary level. However, the success rate on this count in the upper primary level is not so good as 82 districts have reported a gap of more than 15 percentage points.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Marcus Ang Is A Member From The Field Sales Section Essay

Marcus Ang is a member from the field sales section. His sales performance in the recent months has been below target in contrast to his outstanding sales in the past years. Marcus blames it on the poor economic situation, however the other sales staff seem to able meet their target. How should Madam May May attribute Marcus’s performance? First of all, Madam May May has to know about what happened to Marcus. What causes him to blame the poor economic situation while the other sales staff still be able to meet their target. As we learn from the organization behavior, we know that employee’s behavior will affect the performance of an organization. According to Fritz Heider and H.H. Kelly, they stated that people’s behavior is affected by internal and external factors. On the other hand, Kelley’s attribution theory refers to three types of factors which are distinctiveness, consensus and consistency. Distinctiveness is about whether the subordinate’s behavior occur during the performance of this task only? Next, consensus is like whether this behavior unusual for the subordinate’s peers? Then, consistency is about if this behavior unusual for the subordinate in other situations? In this situation, Madam May May should first consider about the factor of consensus. As Marcus cannot be able to hit the target while other are able to reach their target. Next Madam May May should consider about locus of control dimension, which mean whether the primary cause of the behavior is a characteristic of the subordinate, or a characteristic of the situation. Second ,stability dimension whether the subordinate is likely to remain stable or unstable? The crossing of the locus of control and stability dimensions produces four casual factor that a leader can utilize to explain a subordinate’s behavior, ability , task difficulty , luck ,chance, effort.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe

Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe The story of â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† by Edgar Allan Poe is full of conflict from beginning to end. The narrator of this story does not reveal why such a conflict exists other than to say someone has impugned his honor. Poe makes use of irony, symbolism among other linguistics means to tell a revenge story under Montresor’s, the murderer, view and ideas. Even knowing the narrator is not reliable and he probably is mad, the reader stands on his side from the beginning to the end of the conflict. This article will try to analyze the tools used by Poe to create this short story. The Style of Poe in â€Å"The cask of amontillado† Strengthening readers’ comprehension of his writing is also a key function of the imagery Poe uses. The variety of stylistic devices used by Poe to create the atmosphere of horror and terror includes the setting, one of the things the author uses to paint a dark and gloomy picture in the reader’s mind. For example: as de scribed by him in the beginning of the short story â€Å"It was about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of the carnival seasonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â‚¬  or like in this paragraph: â€Å"At the most remote end of the crypt there appeared another less spacious. Its walls had been lined with human remains, piled to the vault overhead, in the fashion of the great catacombs of Paris. Three sides of this interior crypt were still ornamented in this manner. From the fourth side the bones had been thrown down, and lay promiscuously upon the earth, forming at one point a mound of some size. Within the wall thus exposed by the displacing of the bones, we perceived a still interior crypt or recess, in depth about four feet, in width three, in height six or seven. It seemed to have been constructed for no especial use within itself, but formed merely the interval between two of the colossal supports of the roof of the catacombs, and was backed by one of their circumscribing walls of so lid granite†. Imagery in Poe’s style of writing clearly involves readers in the story, and his use of complex vocabulary ensures that readers understand his themes and implications. The use of symbolism is what makes Poe’s short story even more interesting. Symbolism, according to the The Dictionary of Literary Terms, is an object, person, idea, etc. used in a literary work, film, etc., to stand for or suggest something else with which it is associated either explicitly or in some more subtle way. It may not be clear for some readers, but in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† the fight between two social class conflict and the aristocratic social codes is very well pictured. Montresor meets Fortunato â€Å"as if by chance† when it is clear that Montresor already of Fortunato’s attendance during the Carnival celebration at a banquet. When Montresor leads the intoxicated Fortunato into the blind wall in the subterranean passages of Montresorâ€℠¢s family grave and takes him prisoner, he already has mortar and trowel prepared for walling up his victim. Since Fortunato had given Montresor a Masonic sign and asked him if he were a Mason, a question which response was that Fortunato was nothing more than a real stone mason and the murderer laughingly showed the real trowel he had with him, it can also be a humorous imitation of the French Freemasonry, whose motto was â€Å"libertà ©, à ©galità ©, fraternità ©.†

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Plastic Surgery Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Plastic Surgery - Dissertation Example The concept of the script is to illustrate cruel beauty. The collection entails the clothes suitable for the autumn/winter of 2017. The clothes are menswear. Savage beauty under the context relates to the Japanese tattoo, the corset as well as plastic surgery. The use of the three beautification approaches is ancient in their form. From ancient civilizations, people are particular regarding enhancement of beauty. The use of the corset explains a garment that tends to befit the wearer into a shape that fits the garment and not the human. The Japanese’s tattoo reveals extreme measures. The clothing tends to train the torso into an aesthetic form. A view of the history includes the use of the corset by both genders with the most ancient picture of the attire being 2000BC to appear (Lemire and Riello, 2008: p.912). On the other hand, the Japanese tattoo explains the instance of body decoration. The implication is that the skin is a garment and one that cannot fade away after the a pplication of the ink. The tattoos have particular reasons such as for decorative or spiritual ends. The tattoos first image to come into contact with the modern man tends to date back to about 10,000BC (Westlake, 2012). On the other hand, plastic surgery is the alteration of the body form or the subsequent restoration. The practice dates back to the Old Kingdom that was in rule between 3000-2500BC (Westlake, 2012).The practices were also in practise in the ancient civilization of Egypt as per the Papyrus by Edwin Smith. However, the instance was in the repair of noses.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Compare reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Compare reading - Essay Example Electronic music is music produced by means of electronic musical instruments. Examples of instruments that produce electromechanical sounds are the telharmonium, or also known as dynamophone, Hammond organ, and electric guitar. Devices like the sound synthesizer and Theremin can be used to produce electronic sound (Holmes, 2002). The capacity to record sounds is usually associated with electronic music production, but not totally needed for it. The very first documented recording equipment was invented by Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville in 1857, the phonautograph (Manning, 2013). A number of instruments were invented that used electromechanical designs and they encouraged the eventual appearance of electronic instruments. But the technological development that has made the biggest impact on music within the first half of the 20th century is the invention of the Telharmonium. The Telharmonium was invented by Thaddeus Cahill in the early 20th century. The microtonal scales were one of the most important developments in early 20th-century music made possible by the presence of telharmonium (Barela, 1997). As stated by Ferruccio Busoni, â€Å"Only a long and careful series of experiments, and a continued training of the ear, can render this unfamiliar material [microtonal scales] approachable and plastic for the coming generation and for Art† (Barela, 1997, p. 31). Telharmonium: The Musical Invention that Electrified the World The vitality of invention which emerged before the advent of the 20th century was simultaneous with a cultural interest in the new technological advancements that was unmatched. Inventors like Edison and Bell became legends who led a philosophy of industrial growth based on the capacity of controlled electricity. Among this group of inventor capitalists was Thaddeus Cahill, creator and designer of the original musical synthesizer, and originator of the electric typewriter (Dunn, n.d.). Although several attempts to create electronic musical equipment were initiated in early 20th century by William Duddell and Elisha Gray, they were somewhat uncertain or merely the consequences of other studies on electrical technology (Holmes, 2008). The invention of Cahill, the Telharmonium, is still the greatest and most determined effort to build an electronic musical instrument ever imagined. Under overwhelming technical challenges, Cahill was able to build the first model of Telharmonium in 1900. This electro-mechanical equipment made up of 145 alternators able to generate five octaves of changeable melodic content similar to orchestral quality. Its main function was composed of what is now called additive synthesis—a sound synthesis method that produces timbre. Because Cahill’s instrument was created prior to the availability of electronic amplification he had to make alternators that generated at least 10,000 watts (Dunn, n.d., pp. 2-4). Even though Cahill’s original purpose was merely to build a gen uinely advanced electronic instrument that has the ability to perform classical musical selections, he immediately aimed at its industrial use with the intention of providing music to private settings (e.g. homes) as a way of funding its construction. He built the New York Electric Music Company with this purpose in mind and embarked on